The Finchley 20 road race is the club’s main race fixture of the year and is coming up on Sunday 18th March at 9am. This is the one race that raises much needed funds for the club and helps to keep our subs down.
This year there is also a 10 mile race which is 2 laps of the usual course, and the 20 mile race which is 4 laps of 5 miles on the road. The marshal points are attached, together with a course map.
PLEASE VOLUNTEER & SUPPORT YOUR CLUB…. be part of the tradition!
We need 60+ marshals around the course plus further helpers for the two water stations (although we hope to have a number of cadets, who can help here). Course map is attached.
If a HAC member plans to run either event we ask that you please provide a marshal in your place. No experience needed.
If you can help please contact Maria Hernandez-Humm or add your name to the sheet at the clubhouse.
Please support this historic club event.