Virtual Pub Crawl

**No consumption of alcohol is required in this latest challenge**

About thirty years ago (yikes!), myself and brother-in-law Phil Talbot used to organise the Rayners Lane Tuf Ten; ten Km, 10 pubs, ten drinks, curry to finish. The latest Virtual challenge is a homage to this.

As quickly as you can, you need to go to 10 places where you can (normally) drink an alcoholic drink without needing to have a scotch egg or a substantial meal.


Pubs – Yes

Boarded up pub – No

Sports Clubs with a bar – Yes

Supermarkets – No

Restaurants – No, unless you can enjoy a drink in a bar without having to eat (like the Miller & Carter near the clubhouse)

Your time and distance starts when you leave the first pub and finishes when you get to the tenth. I am fully aware they are shut, you just need to go to the door/entrance.

You need to submit to  your time and the distance in miles covered, along with your date of birth.

I trust you all implicitly, but I do reserve the right to ask you your pubs/route.

Please adhere to Government guidelines at all times.

You have until midnight on Sunday 17 January.

It’s all in the planning this one; Martin Searle, Andy Wood, fire them computers up, get them maps out.

It’s looking as though we will be without real races for a little while longer, so I am proposing to do a Virtual 10 miles towards the end of January and a Virtual Half Marathon towards the end of February; just a bit of prior notice if any of you want to adjust your training for a few longer runs.

Stay safe everyone, miss you all.

Cheers /  Prost / Santé! / Sláinte / Salute / Cin cin / Na zdrowie / Saúde / Salud / Iechyd da / Sei gesund
