Summer Series fixtures 2024

Traditionally the summer series is a selection of monthly races aimed at bringing club members together in a competitive arena and promoting our club. Usually the race is followed by a social at a local cafe or pub. With this in mind this year I’ve decided to go old school with the following races.

The summer series complements the track competitions that the club competes in. Therefore the races have been chosen to avoid a clash with these events and impacting on participation in these priority fixtures.

This years races are 

Monday 1st April- Beaconsfield 5 ( at the weekend there were 160 places but this race does sell out early).

Monday 6th May- Pednor 5

Saturday 10th June- Cliveden classic 10km

Sunday 21st July- Elmbridge 10km

Saturday 10th August- Burgundy race in Ruislip Woods

September ( date to be confirmed) Middlesex 10km

League tables for Men and Women will be updated after each race, scoring as follows-

-For all events you will score 5 points for taking part and finishing

-For all events the quickest male and female athletes across the line will each earn another 20 points, second 19 and so on

Your overall score for the summer series will be the total of your points scored for the events you compete in.

You are responsible for your own entry for each of these races