Hillingdon Half and 10k

Hillingdon AC always enjoy and do well at local races and the Hillingdon Half Marathon and 10k are never an exception.

Congratulations to Mohamed Mohamed who won the 10k race in a speedy 00.31.43. Hot on Mohamed’s heels was Aramias Zeration who took second place in 00.32.05. It was almost a HAC 1, 2, 3 with Adam Ireland finishing in 4th position in 00.36.19, just missing out on 3rd position by 00.00.04 of a second.

Michaela Mayor completed the 10k course in 00:44:05 to claim the 2nd female prize.

More congratulations for Bill Harding who won the M70 category in the 10k. Bill is very happy with his first place saying “it’s the first thing I’ve won since the Gosunder in 2004!”

Well done to all who completed both distances in gusty conditions. Full results can be found here.