Clubhouse Vacancies

John Doyle and John Bignell are standing down from their current roles as the club house management team at next year’s AGM, having filled this position for the best part of the past three years. This creates three vital vacancies on the clubhouse sub committee, namely Chairperson, Club Headquarters Secretary and Social Secretary. Sharon Talbot currently fills the remaining role as Clubhouse Treasurer. These roles are ably supported by Harry Wild and Roy Cnudde, along with other members of the Management Committee.
The Sub-Committee is responsible for the day-to-day running of the clubhouse and all Hillingdon AC hosted events. Please give full consideration to standing for one of these roles as it is vital that they are filled by motivated and competent members to ensure that this important aspect of club life continues.
If you would like more information about what these roles involve and the level of time you would need to commit to the role please contact me.
Kind Regards
Dave Smith
HAC Chairman