Claybury Met League Senior Mens report

A mixed result at the first Metropolitan League fixture of the season at Claybury saw the A team finish seventh in Division One despite only 14 finishers from the club in the men’s race. Aramias Zeration was the first scorer for the club in eighth followed by Rob Thompson (10th), James Laing, (31st) and Nathan Hackley (36th and third under 20) who was making his debut in the men’s race after moving up from the Under 17s. Martin Bateman finished 71st with Fahad Abdi 100th, Jose Ramon Polo Lopez 189th, Anthony Warnakulasuriya 222nd and Daniel Whittaker 236th. Chris Marchand was 10th scorer for the club and the first V60 to score for the club in 290th with Neal Clark (316th) and Peter Warburton (336th) finishing off the scoring 12 for the A team.

Martin Searle (345th) and Trevor Steeples (354th) were the sole scorers for the B team. There were 370 finishers and the full results may be found here:

Paul Leppard