Charity Track and Field Competition

HAC holding a track and field closed club competition at the Uxbridge track on Wednesday 8th April 2015 from 5.30 pm to 9.00 pm.

We are holding the club competition in memory of Lerina Ford who sadly passed away last May. All monies raised will be donated to the Michael Sobell Hospice – a local hospice who cared for Lerina. There will be a minimum donation of £5 for 3 events (max) but do remember it’s for charity. We have set up a Just Giving page – please click on this, follow the instructions making sure you put details of the events entered, your age/d.o.b.,  recent pbs, male/female plus your full name  and then donate to our wonderful charity.


The closing date for all entries will be Thursday 2 April (no entries will be accepted after this date). Entry is only by donation to the just giving web site.

Hillingdon Athletic members are all able to enter a maximum of 3 events (All track, all field or a combination of both) – there will some restrictions on juniors on the distance events – they will need to choose from the following

600/1000 u11

600/1200 m u13 g

800/1500 all other ages

Detailed below is the timetable

Please ensure you arrive with plenty of time to collect your number and warm up before your event starts. Report to your track events 10 mins before start and for field events 30 mins . All events except for high jump will be 3 attempts.


Track                                                                                          Field

5:30 pm   75 m/80 m /100 m                        5.30 pm Hammer

6:30 pm. 600/800 m                                      5.30 pm   HJ (u13/15)

7.15 pm 150/200 m                                          5.45 pm. LJ (u 11)

8:30 pm 1000/1200/1500 m                         7.00 pm.   Javelin

7.30 pm LJ (all other ages)

7.30 pm. HJ (u 17 up)

8.15 pm. Shot

Throughout the evening there will be light refreshments, drinks, sweets etc. as well as a raffle – all profits will go towards our charity. If you have any raffle prizes or are willing to donate prizes please let us know ASAP

Diane Gibbons/Suzanne Kendall