Dear All
I hope you are all well and getting by in these difficult times.
Whilst we are all keen to get back to training as soon as it is safe to do so the wellbeing of all coaches, athletes and the wider community is the clubs top priority.
I have had a look at the current advice from England Athletics and have tried to pick out the main points. However I would recommend that all members read the EA documents, which can be found here
The current guidance relates only to outdoor activity only therefore the clubhouse and gym will remain closed until further guidance is issued.
At this stage EA advise that no group activity takes place due to the requirements of social distancing. At this point in time athletics and running coaching activity can only take place on a one to one basis i.e. one coach and one athlete or two athletes with no coach present. If the individual is under 18 then a parent needs to be present due to the nature of 1-2-1 coaching restrictions currently. Two athletes, who do not need to be from the same household, can go for a run together as long as they observe social distancing and all current Government COVID-19 guidance.
Any return to activity will require a risk assessment by the coach, athlete and where relevant parents. Any risk assessment would include mitigations and plans in the event of the activity not going as expected. This will include planning for scenarios such as an athlete sustaining an injury and the need to support that athlete whilst maintain social distance.
There is much more detailed information on the individual athletes responsibilities in the EA documents which I encourage you to read.
Best Wishes