Track Force

Following a recent visit to the track by the UKA club support officer we have been asked to be one of the pilot sites for a new initiative.It is based on the very successful Cricket Force (see video at It is essentially an initiative to help clubs recruit more volunteers and to build relationships between track operators and clubs. It consists of volunteers tackling small jobs around the track on a given date in order to get the place neat and tidy for the new track year. The jobs will be agreed by the club and track operator and allocated to volunteers prior to the actual date. UKA have some money from which they have agreed to provide tee-shirts, bacon rolls etc on the day.
UKA will support us but the initiative needs to be driven by the club. The next step is to recruit a project leader and steering group consisting of 5-6 people. The group would meet a few times in the new year with the aim of a date for the Track Force in April. At this stage we are only looking for people for the steering group. Please speak to Dave or Courtney if you are willing to help.