SEAA U20 Championships and Senior Open Events details

Entries for these events are being taken now and you need to act fast if you want the club to pay for your entry.

Deadline for entries to Gavin is the end of Thursday 14th June. If you are paying for yourself then the deadline is  26th June direct to the SEAA.

Some of you may be aware that UKA/EA in it’s wisdom ruled that the regions couldn’t hold independent regional championships for senior athletes. So, we are in the situation where the event will still take place along side the U20 champs as usual with the same format of heats, semis and finals with prize money but it can’t be called a championships.

I think in a show of support to SEAA on this and to make it a good event HAC should get as many seniors competing as possible.

SEAA U20 Championships and Senior Open Events will be held at Crystal Palace on the 7th/8th July

The list of events is here.

Entry forms here.

Contact Gavin by email at