James Shipley, who many of you will know, has kindly sponsored a new points make prizes award competition. £50 goes to the winner in the Men’s team with prizes for the top lady too. And its not all about being the quickest. You also gain points for turning out and improving on your past placing performances.
This incentivises further competing in one of the strongest cross country leagues in the UK.
This is a trial at the moment and could be rolled out to other age groups if turn out increases and further sponsorship can be found.
Ways to earn points and get prizes are as follows…
1. Appearance Bonus
1 race 10 points, 2 races 20 points, 3 races 40 points, 4 races 80 points, 5 races 160 points
2.Make the scoring 12
20 points
3. HAC finishing position
Points dependant on total number of HAC finishers, so if there are 20 HAC runners and you are first you get 20 points, second scorer gets 19 etc
4.Personal Best
50 Points (Personal best performance was taken from best met league position in the last 2 years, you must have competed in at least 2 Met Leagues over the last 2 Years to qualify for the PB points)
The prize for the most points scored after each Met League race will be a bottle of wine
The rewards for the Men’s top 3 points scorers at the end of the season will be:
1st Place £50 sports voucher
2nd Place £30 sports voucher
3rd Place £20 sports voucher
Prizes TBC for the ladies.
James has put together a table showing who from the men’s team have finished where and what their PB in the last 2 years is. Table here.
New members are always welcome and encouraged to take part Met League Website link.