Under new management!

Following three years of sterling hard work in managing the Clubhouse, John Doyle and John Bignall have decided to hang up their beer mats.      A new band of volunteers has been formed to take on the running of the Clubhouse with the remit of providing a welcoming environment for all members to relax and socialise after their training runs and races, together with social events and much much more.

We are all learning on the job and don’t promise to get it right every time, but we would value your feedback both good and bad on how the Clubhouse is run and what suggestions you have for improving the Clubhouse and ideas for events you would like to attend.   With this in mind, Hannah has provided a Suggestions Box which you will find by the noticeboards which is already filling up!

The new committee members are

Jeremy (disguised as Captain Birdseye) Collis, John (cooler than a Vindaloo) Dobbs (Chair), Natalie (bakes a mean cake) Ealand (Clubhouse Secretary),  Zoe (I’ve just volunteered for the Clubhouse) Dobbs (Joint Chair), Peter (I Love Metal) Humm, James (another Trophy) Laing, Hannah (amaze balls) Wells, Graham (show me the money) Wood (Clubhouse Treasurer), Nigel (I know a good route through the woods) Ealand, Tracey (track side) Harvey.

You will normally find one of the team at the track or in the Clubhouse on training nights and Sunday mornings so please do come and talk to us.


The Clubhouse Team