When someone suffers a cardiac arrest, the heart stops, blood is no longer being pumped around their body and they are clinically dead. The longer they go without emergency life-support, the harder it is to restart their heart. That’s where you can make a difference. An Automated Electronic Defibrillator (AED) is a machine used to give an electric shock to restart a person’s heart when they are in cardiac arrest.

The club committee have agreed to purchase an AED for the clubhouse in Bury Street, ( one is already provided at the track in Uxbridge) however it is essential to have people on site who are willing to be trained in its use. London Ambulance Service provides a three hour Emergency Life Support (ELS) training course for up to 12 people held at our premises on an evening or weekend.  This is their recommended course for people who are not medical practitioners or from a health care background. It teaches the basic elements needed to save a life in an emergency.

The following subjects are covered: Chain of survival concept, assessment of a collapsed casualty, recovery position, CPR, management of heart attack, management of major bleeding, management of adult choking and defibrillator training. The training course is valid for one year.

To register your interest in being trained please see David Smith, Club Chairman or contact me on