Upgrade of the ladies shower and changing area starts Monday 6th June
The club have met, the plans are in place, funds have transferred, equipment is loaded, leave is cancelled and the troops are ready. For it is D for demolition Day this Monday 6th June at the clubhouse with the old toilets and showers being smashed up for the new dawn of sparkling new fittings and fixtures.
It has been decided to attack the women’s showers first. So for the next 4 weeks’ ladies it is the cold tap and Dave Holman’s tin bath, the one he probably crossed the Atlantic in, out the back of the clubhouse, if you want to freshen up after training. There should be some changing area available too. While the work is going on the Ladies are invited to use the toilet at the back of the club stock room and we will look into the feasibility of this area being used as a temporary changing area too.
Once the women’s area is finished then it will be the men’s showers and toilets that will be attacked and upgrades are expected to take 3 weeks to complete.
Apologies for the inconvenience.