Race HQ: Kingsbury Free Church Hall, Slough Lane, Kingsbury, NW9 8QG
Please contact your team manager or coach if you want to be entered into this event. The men will be be notified via the teamer system.
UNDER 17 MEN, 3 miles, starting at 2.00pm
The first four to finish score as the team. All entrants must be Under 17 as per UKA Rules. Awards: The Booth Cup to the winning team. Three sets of medals for the first three teams and first three individuals. If less than 10 teams enter, only two sets of medals.
UNDER 20 MEN, 3 miles, starting at 2.00pm
The first four to finish score as the team. All entrants must be Under 20 as per UKA Rules. Awards: Three sets of medals for the first three teams and first three individuals. If less than 10 teams enter, only two sets of medals.
Please note that the U17 and U20 men’s race will be combined with the women’s race.
UNDER 17, UNDER 20 AND SENIOR WOMEN, 3 miles, starting at 2.00pm
The first four to finish score as the team. All entrants must be Under 17, Under 20 or Senior Women as per UKA Rules.
Awards: The Les Golding Memorial Cup to the winning Senior Women’s team. Three sets of medals for the first three teams, the first three individuals and the first three Masters.
SENIOR MEN, 5 miles, starting at 2.30pm
The first six to finish score as the team. All entrants must be Seniors as per UKA Rules.
Awards: North of the Thames: The Finch-Wayte trophy to the club providing the winner. The TVH Centenary Trophy to the winning team. The Essex Cup to the Essex club to finish 12 runners with the lowest total score. The Middlesex Cup to the Middlesex club to finish 12 runners with the lowest total score. Three sets of medals for the first three teams and first three individuals. There are also North of the Thames 4 and 8-to-score trophies.