London Cross Country Champs Ladies team report – 16th November

A relatively good turn out (in comparison to the HAC men’s team) of ladies arrived at Parliament Hill to take on 6km, a welcomed change to the weekly #runequal 8km, reports Freya Hollingsworth.

Out of a field of 309 Hannah Wells proudly overtook a lady sporting the #runequal sign to finish 30th and completing her 6th cross country in a row…a week off, perhaps? Freya Hollingsworth trudged through the mud to finish 119th, followed by Lesley Conway (157th), Karmen Pardoe (167th) to complete the scoring team. Boo Smith, Pauline Fischer and Christina Benjamin followed suit with Christina making a run for the warmth of her Dry Robe as soon as she finished!! As a team we finished 23rd out of 31, the ladies were very grateful for the lack of rain this week and Hannah and Freya headed off to the pub for a well deserved pint.

BIG THANKS goes out to chief cheerleaders Lucy and Angela Duncan!

The ladies clearly enjoyed the mud as you can see below.