Hillingdon AC Junior Girls win Alder Valley League Plate

On Saturday 1st September the girls competed in the finals for the Alder Valley, reports Courtney Clarke. Before the competition I had to find the safe place I put the Plate we won last year. After many hours I can confirm that it was not in my house. So Shirl was right (that is disappointing).

Next stop was the clubhouse. There it was in the cabinet. No keys!!! I drag poor Stefan down because he knows where the keys are (errrrr no he doesn’t). So we call Zoe Dobbs. I leave triumphant with the plate.
Now the day begins!!

So I arrived on Saturday for the finals of the Alder Valley league.

The girls were fantastic and earned the most points we’ve had all season to win the plate back again for the second year on the trot. Wish I had not spent so long trying to find it!

Meryl Dickinson was team manager of Alder valley girls obviously with my help but I actually didn’t have to do any work because Meryl did everything. Even more impressive we actually had six or seven of our best athletes competing at the inter Counties today.

Congratulations Hillingdon Athletics Club Juniors Girls.