Gavin’s Virtual 5k results

Slightly light on participants from what I would have envisaged given the vast numbers that had been trying to attend my training sessions prior to Lockdown 2.0 and the 58 that finished the last Virtual 5K in July when there was only one day to do it, reports Gavin Collett.
But thanks to all those that could be asked!
However, what a race up front with just three seconds separating the first three with Charlie Edwards taking the spoils narrowly from Jack McVann and Shaun Lazzari.
Jon Hicks recorded a pb to finish first vet in fourth position, whilst Mel Spencer hit the treadmill in Greece to be leading lady.
Lesley Conway pounded the tarmac of King’s College track to finish first over 60 of either sex.
Week 2’s challenge is 10K. You have until next Wednesday (18th) to complete and let Gavin know.
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Melanie Helen Spencer, Lesley Conway and 11 others
