Dark Run funds donated to local charities

Entry fees from the last three Dark Run fixtures came to a total of £674.31. This sum has been equally divided between the three following local charities. Copies of letters of thanks will be displayed on noticeboards at the track and the clubhouse.

The Tashan Daniel Campaign

Tashan Daniel, a much loved member of our club,  lost his life in an unprovoked knife attack aged 20.  Tashan’s family have started this campaign with the following aim “the main reason we are raising money is to bring two of Tashan’s loves to other people. Athletics and family. We believe that the best way to prevent knife crime is to tackle the social issues that might eventually lead someone to pick up a knife. Tashan was a sprinter but athletics covers disciplines suitable for all shapes and sizes. Our long term aim is to work with role model trainers to bring athletics clubs to schools and youth groups across London, attended by both parents and children.”

DASH (Disablement Association Hillingdon)

DASH challenges peoples perceptions and encourages disabled people of all ages to reach their full potential. DASH provides advice, support and activities that allow disabled people to take control of their lives and become more independent, confident and part of the community. 

Michael Sobell Hospice

Michael Sobell Hospice provides care, comfort and support for local people facing life limiting illnesses. Their clinical team offers medical, nursing and emotional care along with practical support for patients & their families.

Thank you to everyone who has supported the Dark Run in the last three years.