On 2nd June the Coombe Hill Fell Race made a welcome return to the running calendar in our neck of the woods, reports John Luscombe. A distance of 7km and 220m ascent faced 5 Hillingdon runners (Martin, John B, Eva, Paul and Screech). Thankfully all 5 of us have run Coombe hill race before so nothing to fear, right!
Er wrong! The course starts with a steady incline for approx 4k before a steep 200 metre drop (not for faint hearted or those who have troubled keeping their feet!!) and then along trail for a few mins before infamous steep pull up Coombe Hill before gentle descent to the quarries.
Conditions were warm with a slight breeze and dry and dusty underfoot. All 5 of us finished, enjoyed challenge with pride of place going to John Bignell who finished 1st O60. Results can be found here
I think my fellow comrades who competed would agree that this was a well organised event with excellent marshalling and a well earned free pint in Shoulder of Mutton pub. Please put this race in your diaries for 2020, 1st weekend in June. You won’t regret it!