Christmas Calendar of events

The traditional Christmas Morning Road Race will be held from the clubhouse at 10.30am over the usual 3.2 miles. There will also be a one lap (1.6 miles) option for the young, old and wounded.

With Christmas being on a Wednesday this year, the clubhouse will not be open for Club training on Christmas Eve. Therefore the last Club night before Christmas will this year be on Monday 23 December. This will be followed by a buffet (please bring a contribution if you wish to eat) and a quiz at approximately 8pm. All welcome.

In summary,

Monday 23 December            Club Training / Buffet / Quiz

Tuesday 24 December           No Club Training

Wednesday 25 December      Christmas Morning Road Race

Thursday 26 December          No Club Training

Saturday 28 December          Lido Relay

Tuesday 31 December           No Club Training

Thursday 2 January                Resume normal Club Training