5K training races 2016

This year’s races will take place on the second Thursday of each month from April to September inclusive.

  • 14th April
  • 12th May
  • 9th June
  • 14th July
  • 11th August
  • 8th September

Register at the clubhouse by 6.30pm for a 6.40pm start.  You compete entirely at your own risk.

All Club members are welcome to run, with a £3 fee for any non-Club members.

The measured course starts in Howletts Lane and is two and a half laps of a loop of Breakspear Road, Howletts Lane, Marlborough Avenue & Bury Street. The finish is just past the clubhouse in Bury Street.

Numbers are not worn but are told to competitors on registration and need to be relayed to the recorders at the end of the event.

This is not an official race, so please keep to the pavement whenever possible and beware of road users and pedestrians.

Following each event, there is often hot food available from the licensed bar and also a fun quiz starting at around 8pm for around an hour at a charge of £1 (all money to clubhouse funds).