June 3K training race results

The rain didn’t stop the June 3k play.  Well done to all that completed the race and a big thank you to the officials that had to contend with challenging weather, finshers with washed off numbers and a very busy finish area. Results can be found here.

A Letter from America and a big thank you

As some of our members may know the time has come to bid a fond farewell to the Janke family as they return to America very soon. This is the start of a thank you letter sent by Kurt Janke to all members of HAC. The full letter will be published in HAC’s forthcoming On […]

5km Masterclass update

Thursday night saw the first track session of the Dash for Fitness 12-week, 5K Masterclass, in association with Hillingdon Athletic Club. Each Masterclass is limited to 8 runners. Grace, Helen, Kate, Sandra, and Yoko were in action last night, with the others being unavailable but coached on what to do in self-managed sessions. As well as […]

Summer Series Points Tables

It’s already been a busy summer and we have reached Event 7 in the Summer Series.    It’s great to see some new names at the top of the leader boards – for a full breakdown please check out the notice boards at the Clubhouse. HAC Mens Summer Series Total 1 David Shelvey V40 69 […]

HAC Ladies Take Off at the Concorde 5

Race Report by Debbie Brown There was a great turn out on very warm morning for the Concorde 5 road race with the HAC team all out in force and clearing up on nearly all the prizes.  Debbie Brown, Melanie Spencer and Karen O’Rourke won the lady’s 1st team prize. Angela Duncan won 1st for age […]

Summer Solstice Fun Relay Race and BBQ

The Summer Solstice Relay Race and BBQ will take place on Saturday 24th of June. This event is for all Hillingdon AC members, family and friends. Registration will be at the clubhouse from 2.30pm-3.30pm with the race starting at 4pm. The race will consist of 4 x 1 mile relay legs around the woods, with […]

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park 10km – Summer Series

The HAC Summer Series got us out of bed bright and early on a sunny Saturday in June. Blurry eyed we met on the 7.30am Met Line to make our way across London to Stratford, taking over the last carriage again; it’s becoming a bit of habit. This race is a newby to the Summer […]

5k Training Race 8th June 2017

5k Training Race Results June 2017 POSITION ATHLETE AGE CLUB TIME 1 ROB THOMPSON 26 Hillingdon 15:52 2 PAUL LEPPARD 38 Hillingdon 18:16 3 JAMES MANLEY 33 Hillingdon 18:42 4 LORRAINE MCNULTY 27 Hillingdon 20:17 5 STEPHEN FORD 44 Hillingdon 20:56 6 JOHN BLAKE 51 Hillingdon 20:57 7 CIARA WILLIAMS 24 Hillingdon 21:01 8 DAVID […]

5km masterclass update

It was literally a flying start as the Dash for Fitness 5K Masterclass, in association with Hillingdon Athletic Club (HAC), went under starter’s orders at last night’s HAC 5K Training Race. It was a slightly daunting prospect to line up with the runners from HAC, but each member of the Masterclass that was able to […]

Members rates Physiotherapy

We have struck up a partnership with Ruislip Physiotherapy Sports and Spinal Clinic and  HAC members can now get at least a 10% discounted rate for treatment. You just need to contact them if you need treatment and state you are a current club member to receive this rate. They are located nearby Ruislip station and […]