Summer Series Grand Prix 2014

Following a successful Grand Prix in 2013, with Martin Bateman and Donna Nash winning the men’s and ladies championships respectively, here are the first two races of the 2014 Grand Prix. First is the 5km training race on Thursday 10th April at 6.40pm. Enter at the Clubhouse in Bury Street, Ruislip by 6.30pm. The second […]

Hillingdon AC Annual General Meeting

You are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of Hillingdon Athletic Club to be held at the clubhouse, 206, Bury Street, Ruislip on Tuesday 4th March 2014 at 8.15pm. A question and answer session will immediately follow the formal meeting at which you are invited to raise questions, make suggestions and generally contribute to […]

A night at the Races

Hillingdon AC presents A night at the Races Saturday 29th March at the Ruislip Clubhouse Start 7.30pm – 1st race 7.45pm £3 a ticket or £5 for family ticket Fun, excitement & nibbles…guaranteed! for tickets see: Maria – 07957 185631 Alan – 07715 449352

Race Cancelled

The bad weather has claimed another cross country race. The North of the Thames 2 race, which was due to take place this Saturday 15h Feb, has been cancelled due to the wet conditions.

Senior Women‘s fifth race, Metropolitan League,Wormwood Scrubs, 8 February 2014

Hillingdon senior women’s cross country team secured once again their sixth position in the ATW Metropolitan League Division Two with the regular two seniors finishing near the top of the field and stalwart veteran support in the bottom half. The veteran’s team although finishing ninth of the ten teams in this race, finish the season […]

Metropolitan League Race Five, Wormwood Scrubs, 08 February 2013

A strong turnout of the club’s better runners at the final Met League race of the season at Wormwood Scrubs ensured that Hillingdon AC’s Senior Men’s A team will once again compete in Division One of the Met League next season but with many of the middle order athletes missing, the B team missed out […]

Mini London Marathon Trials Results

Well done to everyone that competed for a place in the  2014 Hillingdon Mini Marathon team on Saturday 1 February at Ruislip Lido.  Those athletes that are selected will take part in the Virgin Mini London Marathon on 13 April 2014. Results can be found at  

Watford Half Marathon

Seven Hillingdon AC members turned out to run the Watford Half on Sunday. They were rewarded with one of the few bright, dry days in some time. However the effects of the recent rainfall were evident, with the runners having to run through two flooded sections of road. First home, in 37th place was Mike […]

Hillingdon Athletic annual general meeting

The Hillingdon Athletic Club Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 4th March 2014 at 8.15pm. All members are invited to attend. If you wish to place an item on the agenda or make a resolution please notify the Interim Club Secretary, Lynda Copson, by 4th February at the latest. All resolutions require a proposer and […]