Summer Series

With a new format applied to the summer series for the first time this year, 108 club members took part in at least one of the sixteen races over the summer. The winner was the person with the highest number of points in their best eight races. In the men’s competition Martin Bateman just edged out […]
Situations Vacant

THIS POSITION AS NOW BEEN FILLED. Nicola Cuddihy has had to step back from the role of club secretary. This has left a vacancy on the main committee for an interim appointment until the AGM in March. This is an excellent opportunity for someone to contribute to the running of the club, bringing the skills and […]
Club Forum

Claire Tompsett has kindly arranged for Tim Howells from England Athletics to visit the clubhouse on Thursday 7th November 2013 at 8pm. The aim of the meeting is to reflect on the senior teams performance in the SAL league this year. It is hoped that a strategy can be developed from this meeting that will enable […]
Metropolitan League Race One, Woodford, 19 October 2013

Hillingdon AC’s senior men had a strong turnout of athletes at the first Metropolitan League cross country race of the season at Woodford with 28 athletes answering the call to compete. Although the team only finished four scorers in the top 100 with Robert Thompson first scorer in 14th place, James Laing in 33rd, Ed […]
South Bucks 10km

A small band of HAC athletes strayed out of the county last Sunday and competed in the South Bucks 10K otherwisde known as the Black Park Long race! Joseph Doyle ran well to finish 49th out of 232 runners in 42.39 to secure first place in the Junior men under 20 category. Ted Hamilton was 52nd in […]
Our kit was “Worn in the USA”

Matt Fayers might be in the USA on a sports scholarship missing our XC season but in his debut x/c race in the US he managed to make it feel a bit like home by wearing his Hillingdon A C vest. Racing for Oklahoma State University against other local State Universities in a pre NCAA race meeting. […]
Ultra Success for Lynda

HAC athlete Lynda Copson successfully completed the Royal Parks Ultra on 6 October. This was Lynda’s first ultra 50km, and despite the unseasonable heat, crossed the finishing line in a respectable 5:44:25. She attributes part of her success to the support she has received from HAC club members over the past 13 weeks. Special thanks […]
SEAA Cross Country Relays, Wormwood Scrubs, 05 October 2013

With both the St Albans Cross Country Relays and the Horsenden Hill Relays missing from the calendar of early season races this year, Hillingdon AC’s Senior Men took advantage of the local staging of the South of England Cross Country Relays at Wormwood Scrubs to give members the opportunity to compete in cross country conditions […]
Lost results sheet

Alan Chidley has had a request for information regarding the 1985 Hillingdon Half Marathon. Unfortunately he does not have the results in his archive and would like to ask if any club member has a copy of the result sheet for this race.
A whole new RunnersWorld

RunnersWorld have opened a new franchise store in Watford run by Hillingdon AC member Jason Steel. The store is situated at 164 High Street, Watford, WD17 2EG opposite Cotswold camping and where the old up and running shop used to be near to Watford town train station. The new store will be open on Monday […]